Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Owen - At Home With

Owen is the solo moniker for musical genius Mike Kinsella. On top of shredding an acoustic guitar like a laid-back metal fiend, the dude is also a top notch wordsmith, as these following excerpts from his 2009 Hobbledehoy Records release will show you.
Bad News:
1. You don't mean anything to anyone but me, and even i think that you're blinded by conceit.

The Sad Waltzes of Piedro Crespi:
1. It's a simple question, I'm only asking cause i don't want to die alone.

2. Could you love someone completely? And yes, by someone, I mean me!

Bags of Bones:
1. We bonded over broken bones. Who's broke skin. Who's fractured in two places. And who's hurt the most.

2. You and me and an x-ray machine. I swear that day you saw straight through me.

3. We're two bags of bones broken and talking of people we both know in common...

Use Your Words:
1. Some pages bent. The spines all creased and worn. All signs of being adored.

A Bird in the Hand:
1. That said, I'm a bird in your hand. Take me as I am.

2. When I put on a suit and say "I do", you know I mean it.


  1. I like this one:

    Bags of Bones:
    1. We bonded over broken bones. Who's broke skin. Who's fractured in two places. And who's hurt the most.
